Creating a new trend in technology

Monday, June 20, 2016

Improving Data Retrival in Client-Server Architecture

Client/Server Computing:

A client/Server is one type of a network computing where in the one powerful workstation servers the request needed by the other system.

Client Server application development requires hybrid skills that include database design,transaction processing,communication experience and also Graphical User interface design.

The Client/Server computing has changed the way in which the computers are being used today and is a vast area in the computer industry.

The Client/Server computing is an environment that satisfies that business need by appropriately allocating the application processing between the server and the client.

Sometimes Client/Server processing is also called as peer to peer processing.

The client/Sever model is also machine independent,It does not depend on a particular type of machine,it can be implemented on any workstation or a system.

Client/Server computing can be a cross platform if it is written in cross platform language,or it can also be a platform specific.

Computer Server:

A computer network server is a powerful computer or the set of computers that are connected to each other providing computing,connectivity and the database services and the interfaces relevant to business needs..They have a database integrated within them and have advanced configuration,These are used to process the requests of the Client,and they also play a role in network management for easy and uniform transmission of data & media across the network.

The main function of the server is to respond to the requests of the client.Apart from this they have several other functionalities,Some of them are:

      1) The processor speed of Server's are very high,So they can be used for multitasking,
      2) They are used to provide information or handle many client requests simultaneously,So they               posses a large Random Access Memory
      3)They provide the results to various other network systems and hence they have large storage                 capacity.

Computer Client:

A computer client is a computer or a workstation at the end user's place that request service from the servers.It interacts with the user through the user interface and performs application functions.The client also interacts with the client middle ware using middle ware API.It receives the response from the server and displays it to the user if needed.

The main functionalities of the client are:

      1)It provides presentation services and the appropriate computing and connectivity.
      2)They are also used for database services ans the interfaces relevant to business need.

Figure shows the overview of Client/Server architecture.

Characterstics of the Client and the Server:

The client and server are the logical entities that work together over the network to accomplish a particular task.

Some of the characteristics of the Client/Server systems are:

1) Client server computing uses local processing power,the power of desktop platform.This changes the normal way of distributing and accessing the data.With this approach data is no longer under the control of others it is readily available to middle rank personnel and staff.

2) Client/Server computing is open systems ,means the user will be able to configure the systems,both software and hardware according to a particular standard.In this way the company can use their system for a particular situation and can alter it the most effective way.

3) All of the hardware and software components are actually modular in nature.This modularity allows the system to expand and modernize to meet the working requirements.

4) This type of computational model reduces the price of hardware and software needed for computing and also use these resources in an efficient way.

5) The Client/Server architecture is typically heterogeneous and are made of hardware and software from multi vendors,The biggest challenge is to put together all these complex system of hardware and software from multi vendors and successfully implement it.

6) A server can service many clients at the same time and regulate their access to the shared resources.

7) Client/Server systems can be scaled horizontally or vertically.Horizontal scaling refers to the adding or removal of the client workstation with only a slight change in performance.Vertical scaling means migrating to a larger or faster server machine and distributing the processing load across multiple servers.

Merits of Client/Server computation:

1) Faster Data sharing: Client/Server architecture are used for faster and enhanced data sharing among different systems.The Structure Query Language is used to define ans manipulate the data and provides open access from all client processes and software.

2) Sharing resources among various platforms:As the client/Server model is machine independent and also works on cross platforms,The data sharing among the client and server becomes easy.

3) Integrated Services: In the Client/Server model,all the information of the client is available with at the desktop .There is no need to change into terminal mode or log into another processor to access information.

Demerits of Client/Server Computation:

1) Traffic congestion:As the number of client requests increase the server has to process all the information's of the client and hence the server may get overloaded to increased number of requests.

2) Server Failure:Server is considered as the backbone in the Client/Server architecture and any fault within the server would seize the whole computational model and the requests by the clients cannot be fulfilled.Thus Client.Server Lacks Robustness.

3) Due to the increase in number of request from the client the process of data retrieval within the server may degrade,which results in the delayed service of the client's request.

Here we would consider one disadvantage of the Client/Server computation,which is the process of Data retrieval within the server and introduce the measures for the Speeding up of Data retrieval.


The speed of data retrieval can be done by managing the number of rows fetched during progressive fetching,controlling the size of the data being fetched and by using delay memo fetching
UseMemoSize viewing property can also be used to return character fields as memo fields and then by switching off the FetchMemo off to enable the application to fetch only the selective data,which increases the speed of data retrieval.

Progressive Fetching:

When ever a data is fetched from a remote source usually the entire row of data is fetched from the server and is returned to the client,To overcome this progressive fetching technique is used which employs the data fetching using view cursors and cursors created asynchronously with SQL pass-through.When ever data is fetched using this technique only a small subset of the result set of rows is fetched,the size of this subset is 100 rows by default.

By this technique the local cursor contains increasingly more of the queried data.Since rows are retrieved at different times from the data source,the information in the row isnt automatically current.If the connection in the server operating system is asynchronous mode,progressive fetching technique returns control to the program as soon as it fetches the first subset of data.During the idle time it performs a background fetch of the remaining rows in queried data,one subset at a time,into the local cursor.This scenario allows you to use the already fetched data in the cursor without having to wait for the rest of the data.

Progressive fetching in Windows system can be implemented using the Visual Fox Pro where in only a selected data can be retrived from the data stored in the server which can be used to service the client requests.

Fetchind Data on Demand:

The progressive fetching can be disabled to fetch data in subsets and instead of it only the row needed can be fetched on an as-needed basis by the FetchAsNeeded database and view cursor property at the server side.This results in more efficient data retrival for remote views or views related to extremely large result sets.

The FetchAsNeeded property is disabled by default in most of the systems,which means the progressive fetching technique is enabled.When the server is set to FetchAsNeeded rows are fetched only when they are needed. Whenver the FetchAsNeeded property is set to true,you cannot perform an update until the user either complete the fetch,calling the SQLCANCEL() function on the current handle and then closing the view.

A real time view of the FetchAsNeeded can be visualized,when the user opens a brower and scrolls down,The status bar will be updated with the number of rows retrived as you move through the browse window.

Control Cursor Fetching:

If the entire cursor wants to be fetched then the server can issue GOTO BOTTOM command,or any command requiring access to the entire set.

The server on itself does not provide idle loop processing.To fetch view cursor programatically,we can use the GonRecordNumber or GOTO BOTTOM commands.To fetch cursors created with SQL-pass through in asynchronous mode,call the SQL pass-through asynchronous function once for each row subset.

Controlling Fetch Size:

 The fetching of data at the server can be controlled to only a set of rows based on the client request by setting the Fetch Size property on the user view.The Fetch Size property specifies how many records are fetched into the local cursor from the remote server at one time.

To control the number of records fetched at once time
      1) Set the Fetch Size property with DBSETPROP() function to set the view definitions fetch size


      2) Set the Fetch Size property with the CURSORSETPROP() function to set the active view                    cursor's fetch size.

Delayed Memo Fetching:

The delay Memo Fetching is used to speed up the data retrieval Delayed Memo fetching the Delay and the Memo fields are not fetched automatically at the client's request instead only the row corresponding to the requested data will be fetched and the Memo and General fields are fetched only when the users specifies them,this helps in faster data retrieval.

As a real time example suppose that the form that is requested by the client has some data along with an image and only the data has to be fetched from the form,by using the Delayed Memo Fetching only the data could be fetched and the image can be viewed/downloaded only when the user presses the preview button to avoid unwanted data retrieval.

To control the delay memo fetch the server can be used with Fetch Memo property on the view or cursor,the Fetch Memo property is used to specifies whether the memo has to be downloaded along with the data.By default the Fetch Memo is enabled so that the memo's are downloaded and user can disable it based on the data to be retrieved.

Optimizing the Fetching Performance:

Finally after seeing some of the methods in improving the data retrieval the Client/Server Computation model,the data fetching speed cannot be increased to a greater extent.Some of the methods to optimize the fetching performance are:

      1) The packet size to be fetched has to be larger (4k to 12k),The higher the value of this                           containing more data and rows,the rows will be fetched faster.

      2) Use of the synchronous connections will speed up the fetching process by 50%.

      3) In the view,the Fetch Size has to be maximum,if the Fetch Size is reduced it provides better                responsiveness while progressive fetching but slows down the fetch speed.If increased ,it                    increases the view fetch performance.


With the use of the Client/Server technique in contrast of the normal P2P model,it provides better computational facility and also a single server would be able to handle various client requests,By using any one of the above mentioned data retrieval procedures the request's from the Clients can be easily handled by the Server and also the speed of retrieval can be increased. This is on the improvement methods in the Client/Server model which leads to efficient computing.


      1)Speeding up data retrival,Developer Network,Miscrosoft MSDN.

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