Creating a new trend in technology

Monday, June 20, 2016

Li-Fi Technology

Li-Fi known as the Light-Fidelity technology is one one of the upcoming new trends in the field of wireless networks and communication.

The term Li-Fi was coined by prof. Harald Hass during the TED Global talk.This technique is a bi-directional,high speed and fully networked wireless communication.This is similar to what we have now the Wi-Fi Technology.

Li-Fi uses optical Wireless communication for seamless fast data transfers and can be a compliment to RF communication or a huge replacement to contexts of data broadcasting.

Existing Wireless Technology and need of the new Li-fi:

In Existing Wireless technology Wi-fi,due to the increase in the internet usage the traffic load increases and Wifi does not cope up with the heavy data.

The disadvantages of Wifi-are
  • It covers only a small distance.
  • More traffic slow speed.
  • Its Costly.

To Overcome these disadvantages Li-Fi technology was introduced which has the following advantages
  • Capacity.
  • Efficiency.
  • Availability.
  • Security.
  • Covers large areas.
  • It had high traffic handling capability.
  • Its cheaper than the Wi-Fi technology.

How the Data is transmitted in Li-Fi

The data in Li-Fi is transmitted through LED's (Light Emitting Diode's) which changes its intensity faster than human eyes and the intensity is captures by a detector.The estimated data transfer speed in 10GBps.

Working of Li-Fi

The function of Li-Fi is simple yet amazing. Just two things are needed:
1) An LED which acts as a light source.
2) A photo detector for capturing light source.

When light source starts to emit light,the light sensor on the other end will detect it and records a binary 1 on success and 0 on failure.LED flashes certain time and builds up a message. Light censor detects the light flashing of light and receives the message.


Advantages of Li-Fi:

  • Radio Waves generated by Wi-Fi are harmful for human beings as they might penetrate through the body.Li-fi does not cause these effects as its just a source of light.
  • It Works under water ,so it is beneficial in many fields.
  • It had tremendous data transfer rates.
  • It is very secure since the signal cannot penetrate through walls.

Dis-Advantages of Li-Fi:

  • Since the light cannot penetrate through walls the user needs to install separate LED's in every place he needs to access the data.
  • Only works if there is direct line of sight between source and receiver.

Applications of Li-Fi:

  • Underwater Communications: Since radio waves cannot be used under water because these waves are strongly absorbed by sea water within feet of their transmission and this renders it unusable underwater but LI-Fi is suitable for underwater communication.
  • Safety and management: It can be used to update all the traffic loads at every instant and hence maintain traffic.
  • Security: The Li-Fi technology is very secure as it cannot penetrate through walls.
  • Health Sector: Since Wi-Fi cannot be used in hospitals and other health care units,Li-Fi replaces it most of the health sectors for communication.
  • Internet Everywhere: Since it requires just an LED for the data transfer even it can be implemented in street lights,roads,malls etc.


1) A new era of Wireless Communication Data Sharing by Birender Singh Rawat, Brijesh Aggarwal, Dishant Passi.

2) Jyoti Rani, Prerna Chauhan, Ritika Tripathi, “Li-Fi (Light Fidelity)-The future technology In Wireless communication”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol. 7 No.11, 2012,ISSN 0973- 4562.

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